We design, manufacture and market technical fabrics for high temperatures in order to protect spaces or people where there are risks derived from fire, extreme temperatures, high mechanical demands or when acoustic insulation is needed, among others.
There are three types of high temperature fabrics:
Fire Barriers:
Its objective is to mechanically resist against contact with: a flame, a static hot element and impacts from hot objects in motion.
Heat shields:
They are designed to prevent the internal face from increasing in temperature. Thus, they serve to protect from radiant heat and contact heat.
Heat blockers:
Finally, in this group we find insulation and non-woven fabrics. Its operation is based on keeping the temperature of the internal face constant. In this case, the thickness is more important than the material and, in addition, said fabrics must present resistance to environmental agents (rain, cold, heat, etc.)

Marina Textil has 3 on-campus technical laboratories for researching and testing new textile materials and fibres, as well as personnel specialised in workplace protection standards. Thanks to this, our fabrics surpass even the protection against fire, heat and smoke from construction elements.