At Marina Textil, we believe that we have the responsibility to help our society by collaborating for the betterment of workplace and individual conditions. This focus is expressed in the principal missions of Marina Textil:
- Professional, financial and personal growth for all members of Marina Textil, with the duty to provide service to society and the commitment to improving.
- Contribute part of our profits to helping disadvantaged persons.
- Guarantee company continuity.
We believe that the abilities and attributes of our employees are our greatest asset. This is the reason why we support ongoing training and provide our team with the tools to complete their work with precision. Our is a healthy environment with the appropriate safety measures.
The Marina Textil facilities are in line with respect towards people and the environment. In our production areas, we work in accordance with ethical business principles and serve our clients as honestly as possible.

Social Compliance Policy
- Marina Textil follows all of the laws and regulations of the European Union.
- Our work environment is audited to improve Workplace Risk Prevention and training courses are given on the topic.
- We protect the environment using cleaner and safer work practices, providing the most suitable personal protective equipment (PPEs) in each case.
- We do not hire children at our work locations.
- We support sustainable environmental business practices.
- Marina Textil does not enact any type of discriminatory practice with regards to hiring, payment, promotion or labour contract termination based on race, caste, ethnicity, social origin, marital status, sexual orientation, handicap, religion, nationality, age, sex and/or union or political affiliation.
- The EU recognises the importance of open communication and a direct relationship between employees and management, and our providers must respect worker’s rights to freely associate and openly communicate with administration with respect to workplace conditions without fear of harassment, intimidation or interference.
Marina Textil is dedicated to continuous improvement in all its products and services, through active participation of all its members, without exception. Each member of the organization is committed to developing and strengthening collaborative relationships with our Clients and Suppliers external.
We strive to supply innovative products and services, enhancing the continued growth and long-term benefit of our Clients, understanding and exceeding their requirements and anticipating their future’s expectations.
To this end, it deploys and assumes the following actions and commitments:
- Design, document and implement a Quality Management and Environmental Management System,
in accordance with international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 respectively. - Dynamize the participation of all people involved through communication mechanisms
And training. - Internal staff promotion.
- Ensure adequacy and compliance with all legal, market and other requirements.
- Participate in the development of the most advanced design technologies in the sector.
- Market products manufactured with these technologies.
- Measure and control the evolution of the System indicators to guarantee compliance with the
Established goals. - Document and disseminate this Policy.
- Periodically review the System to guarantee adaptation to possible changes and continuous improvement
of the same to respond to the needs of clients, the protection of the environment and the
contamination prevention. - We have a safe and healthy work environment, taking appropriate measures to prevent
accidents and damages that may harm the physical and mental health of our workers. - We communicate to all workers the company’s objectives in preventive matters and the measures to be taken.
adopt to get them. - We maintain optimal hygienic and sanitary conditions, so that they cover the needs
basics of workers in the workplace. - We commit to comply with the main international conventions of the Organization
International Labor Organization (ILO) and national legislation regarding:- Protection and respect of fundamental Human Rights.
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- Child labor is not permitted to be used or supported in any way.
- Prevention of discrimination and abuse.
- Remuneration, working hours and decent employment conditions.
- We carry out a registry to investigate complaints from employees or third parties related to
with non-compliance with social criteria.
- Use computing and new technologies to improve procedures and avoid possible errors.
- Promote sustainable mentality, to encourage the sustainable use of resources and the prevention of
waste generation, integrating the concept of Circular Economy in the company.