LIFE-CIRTECHTEX consortium is now working on the recycling processes and products development for three different lines.
Last June, the member of the consortium Marina Textil held an internal training for employees about how to proceed with the recycling process developed in the project. Marina Textil, together with other industrial partners form CIRTECHTEX consortium, has develop a guideline about the material collection. Training was crucial to show how the internal work need to be adapted for correct circular process of material collection for its recycling. Results are good and the steps are well implemented, so by this Marina Textil ensure excellent traceability and quality of collected material.
On the other hand, all supply chain consortium partners also did the internal trainings using guideline created, with success, as in this project it’s very important that whole supply chain collaborate to ensure the quality and traceability of collected materials.
Now Marina Textil, together with consortium partners is making trials and samples of recycled yarns and fabrics and this leads to firsts prototypes.
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