EN ISO 342 – This standard indicates the minimum security requirements established for choosing protective clothing for the cold.
ISO 15831
Resulting effective thermal insulation (Icler): moving manikin. Simple garments: tested with reference clothing R. Combinations: tested with reference clothing B (polar type) or C (provided by manufacturer).
Test parameters are:
- HR 50%
- Air velocity: 0.3 – 0.5 m/s
- Walking velocity: 1 m/s.
Requirement: Icler ≥ 0.31 m² · K/W
ISO 9237
Air permeability (AP): must be measured for the entire group of materials. If, due to technical reasons, the group of materials cannot be tested as one piece, components must be tested individually and are measured based on the component with the lowest value. Tests are performed at a differential pressure of 100 Pa on a surface of 20 cm². There are three types of classes according to air permeability.
Air permeability (mm/s)
Performance level | Min | Max |
Class 1 | 100 | – |
Class 2 | 5 | ≤ 100 |
Class 3 | – | ≤ 5 |
EN 20811
Water penetration resistance (WP) (optional): measured from the exterior layer, along with all impermeable layers and their seams. There are two levels of classification: class 1 and class 2. Test parameters are as follows: water pressure increase rate of 980 ± 50 Pa/min. Number of samples: 5 for seam testing and 5 for material testing. Sample size must have a minimum diameter of 130 mm.
WP (Pa)
Performance level | Min | Max |
Class 1 | 8000 | ≤ 13000 |
Class 2 | > 13000 | – |
EN 31092
Water vapour resistance (RET): measured if water penetration resistance is required.
All layers together (excluding underwear) must be less than:
55 m² · Pa/W.
ISO 4674
Tear resistance of exterior material (excluding jackets and elastic and knitted materials).
Minimum 25 N in both directions.
ISO 13688
MARKING: Pictogram
EN 342
Y (B)/Y(C)/Y(R): Icler
AND (B)/Y(C)/Y(R): Icler (optional)
Y: class according to air permeability
Y: class according to water penetration (optional)