This standard specifies a method for evaluating the resistance to heat penetration of materials intended to be used in clothing to protect against large splashes of molten metal.
Provides specific procedures for evaluating the effects of molten aluminium, molten cryolite, molten copper, molten iron, and molten steel splashes.

The protective fabrics, accessories / materials used in the manufacture of said garments must comply with said EN ISO 9185 standard, and also the protective garments will be certified according to EN ISO11612 (EU / CE Category III).
Said garments are used in the personal protection of workers in the iron and steel metallurgical sector, such as foundries, blast furnaces, coke plants, sinter units, continuous casting, laminations, ladle furnace, electric arc furnace, ductile pig iron production, lamination, etc. The principle of the test method is as follows: Different amounts of molten metal are poured onto the fabric sample, which is placed at a certain angle (see table), and the damage caused to the fabric and to the special PVC film placed behind the fabric are assessed. Test conditions: Molten metal temperature: 1400ºC ± 20ºC, where the molten metal is poured onto the tissue samples at said temperature. Angle: 75º, is the angle inclination that the sample to be tested. Pouring height: 225mm + -5, it is the distance of the sample from the crucible / pouring distance. Standard reference material: Iron (MR102), PVC film (MR054), Graphite crucibles (MR103). The results obtained according to the test will be classified according to the following values:- E1: between 60 and 120 grams of molten metal.
- E2: between 120 and 200 grams of molten metal.
- E3: more than 200 grams of molten metal.