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By 6 April, 2021October 15th, 2021Events, News, Technical fabrics
Marina textil

Which sense has to have a production plant in Barcelona?

Marina Textil has an ultimate technology production plant . The control of such production is the key to maintain the traceability of the product.

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Marina textil

Marina textil

The area where we’re ubicated has always been one of the top textile areas at international levels. A group of professionals is in charge of pampering every last detail with the intention of making the best fabric, with the best protection levels, higher quality and with all the care that a textile ennoblement process requires, the one that at the end we offer to our clients.

To have the production plant in the feet of our commercial office makes us to participate in the production of each meter of fabric. We the live day-by-day of our production, its quality controls, the analysis of our laboratories, and more. At the end, all the textile process before it’s sold to our clients.

And why we don’t produce in other countries? Basically, because we would lose our essence, the one we have as all-life producers, and because to sell such fabrics without seen them born, it would be like if we have no soul.