EventsFire resistant fabricsFoundryISO StandardsNewsTechnical fabrics FABRICS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES IN INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Did you know that Marina Textil also produces fabrics for high temperature industrial applications? As…Marina Textil12 March, 2021
ASTM StandardsEventsFire resistant fabricsISO StandardsNewsProtective garmentsTechnical fabrics What is an inherent flame retardant (ifr) fabric? Inherent flame retardant fabric is a type of fabric that protects well a worker using…Marina Textil5 March, 2021
Arc FlashEventsNewsSafety and risk prevention TECHNICAL ADVICE, FLAME-RESISTANT FABRICS FOR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TECHNICAL ADVICE, FLAME-RESISTANT FABRICS FOR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Why is it important to visit the Prevention…Marina Textil1 March, 2021
EventsISO StandardsNewsProtective garmentsSafety and risk preventionTechnical fabricsWeld Test EN 9185 – How to protect the worker against molten aluminium splashes How to protect the worker against molten aluminium splashes? Test EN 9185 Aluminium foundry Have…Marina Textil19 February, 2021
Arc FlashEventsNewsTechnical fabrics Which are the hazards of an arc flash? Which are the hazards of an arc flash? arc-flash-protection-marina-textil Physical injury Without the labelling, training…Marina Textil11 February, 2021
EventsISO StandardsNewsUncategorized Differences between leather and protective fabrics in welding (EN11611) Technical fabrics or leather for the welder? Everyone knows that leather is the cheapest protective…Marina Textil9 February, 2021
Technical fabrics Protective Fabrics Coating – IGNICOAT Project The global market for fire-retardant textiles is of great importance and presents a steady growth…Marina Textil14 May, 2018