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MULTINORM STRETCH FABRICS. Protection and comfort with a modern design. Is that possible?

By 22 March, 2021October 15th, 2021Events, News, Uncategorized
MULTINORM STRETCH FABRICS. Protection and comfort with a modern design Marina Textil

Protection and comfort with a modern design. Is that possible!?

Not so many years ago, when we were thinking about multi-risk fabrics (EN 11612, EN 61482, EN 1149, …) it was coming into our minds heavy, rough, rigid and even unpleasant fabrics to the touch. Over time, it has already been proved that it’s possible to offer the proper protection with high comfort, mainly in blends such as modacrylic with cotton, FR viscose, …. But can we go further?

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MULTINORM STRETCH FABRICS. Protection and comfort with a modern design Marina Textil

MULTINORM STRETCH FABRICS. Protection and comfort with a modern design Marina Textil


Marina Textil started producing fabrics for fashion, and although once it switched to multi-risk technical fabrics it no longer went back to the first ones, there are certain features or way-to -think that remained marked in our DNA, always thinking about if the person who wears our technical fabrics it will be protected and comfortable, not only in feeling but also in its “look”.

Thanks to this constant research to improve the performance of our multinorm fabrics, we have managed to develop a complete range of elastic/stretch multinorm fabrics, both in one direction (2-way, weft direction) or even bidirectional (4-way, both warp and weft direction). It includes all kinds of compositions, such as modacrylic, aramids, viscose, ….

These elastic developments allow the garment manufacturer to make new designs more “street” fashion without having to renounce the high performance in protection and comfort, allowing to make more “skinny fit” PPE, in which sometimes it is even hard to believe that they are PPE and not normal garments, and adapt to all types of corporate garments (including softshells).

Since some years ago, the trend of the European market is to go in the direction of the change to stretch fabrics, showing that indeed, these fabrics for PPE are the future.

The Marko, Plusmark, Aramar and Marko AS fabric families have their elastic versions.

Do you join the change?